
Skyrim special edition hdt physics extension skse beta
Skyrim special edition hdt physics extension skse beta

There is also configs that are made specific body type, such as a config for UUNPVaginaN, one for COSHD, and a few others.Skyrim script extender is a tool used to cross the limits of what would normally be possible for Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition mods. There are SMP collision objects, such as the equitable tongues, and the collision Sexlab strapon. There are SMP Argonian and Khijiit tails, compatible with CBPC. There are performance configs, realistic bounce configs, bounce configs that go over the top, and many more.

  • UUNPVaginaN Full SMP Bodyslide XPMSSE4.51+anus v2 (UUNP body + custom pussy and anus with collisions).
  • skyrim special edition hdt physics extension skse beta

  • UUNP Special SMP Pack SSE bodyslide (UUNP Special body converted for use with HDT SMP).
  • COSHD LE SMP full SOS+anus (CBBE Style Collison pussy and anus, does not use CBBE shape, so you will have to remake your preset with its sliders, it will have seams with CBBE SE feet and hands).
  • CBBE SMP (My preferred body, I did have a hand in creating it)Ĭosio Special Edition (hidden somewhere on the internet).
  • Schlongs Of Skyrim (plus a HDT SMP addon located here, install by extracting it over a unzipped SOS download and zip it back up and then install it).
  • All the HDT SMP configs are customized so you are able to get the most out of HDT SMP. This installer allows you to choose what you want and comes with many options, such as compatibility with CBPC, and options to customize everything about HDT SMP.

    skyrim special edition hdt physics extension skse beta skyrim special edition hdt physics extension skse beta

    Since the chinese site is more down then up and is hard for some to navigate I decided to repack the 3 parts of HDT, HDT Freamework, HDT SkinnedMeshPhysics(SMP), and HDT High Heels(HH) from Hydrogensayshdt and get the Nexus version of HDT SMP for the last few versions of Skyrim and VR

    Skyrim special edition hdt physics extension skse beta